Tuesday, 31 May 2016

David Garnier of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia - Retirement Planning Tips

David Garnier of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, is an experienced financial professional working with CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce) Wood Gundy. As Vice President and a Portfolio Manager, David Garnier helps his Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, clients with a number of financial tasks. Among the most common forms of assistance given by such professionals in retirement planning. The tips below are just some of many that these professionals help their clients apply to achieve retirement security:
  • Establish an RRSP – An individual TFSA account, or an Investment account, will help you build a nest egg. Usually, traditional Group   RRSP’s are ideal for those who have a workplace retirement plan and RRSP’s s are ideal for those who do not, generally speaking. Once you have established an RRSP, consider the maximum contribution limits and aim to meet them each year.
  • Use Catch-Up Contributions – The earlier you begin saving for retirement, the better, but even if you didn’t get an early start you can take advantage of catch-up contributions. Always increase your contributions to the maximum allowed amount for maximum return.
  • Automate Everything – Follow the principle of paying yourself first by automating a deposit to your RRSP as soon as your payments clear each pay period. This ensures that you save enough to retire regardless of what happens in your life now.
David Garnier’s Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, clients rely on him to manage their financial portfolios and, in turn, their retirement plans. By finding a similar professional to rely on, you’ll gain a valuable ally in protecting your future.