Friday, 15 July 2016

David Garnier of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia - Playing Gold is Relaxing

Living in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, allows David Garnier to visit the Brightwood Gold and Country Club quite frequently. Playing golf is a unique experience, and it’s very rare that someone tries out the sport only to be put off by it and never revisit it again. Usually it’s the other end of the spectrum as people fall in love with this outdoor activity quite easily. While many of them play it exactly because of that outdoor aspect, there are actually more quantifiable, thoroughly logical arguments for the sport.
  1. It teaches you how to concentrate more patiently
  2. It allows you to work on your interpersonal skills
  3. You can’t lose your manners at a golf court
  4. Yes, the nature angle is quite obvious and true.
When you realize that in order to hit a perfect tee shot you have to gather yourself both physically and mentally, you have no choice but to relax and concentrate. Golf is a game of concentration, where the one who can relax and let loose, will likely win (provided that the players are at a similar level of course).

Another fun aspect of golf are the conversations. The game and the environment gives you such a potent combination that it will inspire spirited and often quite deep talks. David Garnier Nova Scotia of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, notes that if you thought about picking up golf, you probably shouldn’t wait much longer until you try it. It’s a sport of skill, tranquility, and quite often, friendship.